Sample Web Pages from Mississippi Basics (Part 1) and Vocabulary Notes


Directions: Please circle the letter of the best answer.

1. What is the meaning of the name ‘Mississippi’?

a). Our land                  b). Big Water               c). Big Sister                 d). Slow Water

2. Which one of the following is a Mississippi region?

a). the Delta                  b). the Palouse              c). the Panhandle          d). the Highlands

3. What is kudzu?

a). A common Mississippi animal                      c). A common Mississippi flower

b). A common Mississippi weed                       d). A popular Mississippi drink

4. When frightened opossums …

a). pretend to be dead                                      c). spray a smelly substance

b). climb trees                                                   d). run away and hide

5. Jackson, MS is the…

a). birthplace of the blues                        c). largest city in Mississippi

b). largest industrial town in Mid South d). birthplace of rock and roll

6. What percentage per capita does African Americans represent in Mississippi?

a). between 10 to 20                                        c). between 80 to 90

b). between 30 to 40                                        d). between 60 to 70

7. Followers of what religion are most common in Mississippi?

a). Christianity              b). Judaism                   c). Buddhism             d). Muslim

8. Which one of the following is not a typical way of cooking meat in Mississippi?

a). Deep-frying b). Barbecuing              c). Broiling                    d). All of the above

9. Originally the blues was …

a). African American music                               c). Hispanic music

b). Native American music                                d). European-based music

10. What is the connection between Elvis Presley and Mississippi?

a). Elvis was born in Mississippi.

b). Elvis died in Mississippi.

c). Elvis was not born in Mississippi but spent most of his childhood in Mississippi.

d). Elvis was born in Tennessee but moved to Mississippi at an early age.

11. What is a tall tale?

a). an unbelievable story                       c), an ancient legend

b). a true story                                      d). a ghost story

12. The first European to enter Mississippi was from

a). Spain                       b). France                    c). Scotland                  d). Ireland

13. In 1682 Cavalier de la Salle claimed Mississippi for…

a). France                     b). England                   c). Belgium                   d). Denmark

14. Who established the first European settlements in Mississippi?

a). the French               b). the Spanish              c). the Portuguese          d). the Dutch

15. What state used to be a part of the Mississippi territory?

a). Texas                      b). Arkansas                 c). Alabama                  d). Tennessee

16. What was the major crop produced in 19th century Mississippi?

a). Cotton                     b). Soybeans                c). Tobacco                  d). Potatoes

17. Which side did Mississippi fight during the American Civil War?

a). South                      c). Neither, the state remained neutral.

b). North                      d). Neither, Mississippi was not recognized as a state at that time.

18. What is another term for segregation laws?

a). Jim Crow                b). Jim Dandy               c). Jim Robin                d). Jim Bim

19. Who was the first black student to be enrolled at the University of Mississippi?

a). James Jackson         b). Bobby Smith           c). James Meredith       d). Jefferson Davis

20. In the Delta region the employment rate among the farm workers is

a). rising                       b). static                       c). falling                       d). non-existent



Directions: Please circle the letter of the best answer.

1. The river that Native Americans called “Father of Water” is

a). The Mississippi River                                   c). The Tallahatchie River

b). The Yazoo River                                         d). The Tombigbee River

2. Which one of the following is a Mississippi region?

a). Redneck Riviera                  b). the Highlands           c). the Piedmont           d). the Palouse

3.  What is the name of a Japanese plant that has become so common in Mississippi that it is now considered a weed?

a). Hasu                       b). Kikyo                     c). Kudzu                     d). Momiji

4.  The expression ‘playing opossum’ means…

a). pretending to be dead                      c). being affectionate beyond reason

b). preparing to attack                          d). being rude and aloof

5.  What is the largest city in Mississippi?

a). Biloxi                       b). Starkville                             c). Jackson                   d). Memphis

6.  Mississippi has the largest representation per capita in the USA of …

a). African Americans                          c). Native Americans

b). Hispanics                                       d). People of Slavic ancestry

7.  What is the dominant religion in Mississippi?

a). Protestant Christianity                                  c). Muslim Religion

b). Catholicism                                                 d). Buddhism

8.  Which one of the following is a favorite way of cooking meat in Mississippi?

a). Barbecuing              b). Broiling                   c). Braising                   d). Boiling

9. The … comes from the experiences of the oppressed black people from the Mississippi Delta.

a). blues music  b). rock and roll            c). blue grass music       d). country music

10. Elvis Presley …

a). went to high school in Mississippi      c). was born in Mississippi

b). was buried in Mississippi                  d). recorded his first record in Mississippi

11. An informal name for an unbelievable story that uses absurd exaggeration as its means of humor is a…

a). lie                            b). twist                        c). limerick                               d). fable

12.  The first European to enter Mississippi was…

a). Hernando de Soto                                       c). Lorenzo Dow

b). Francis St. Claire                                         d). Fransisco Vasquez de Coronado

13. In 1682 Cavalier de la Salle claimed MS for…

a). France                     b). England                   c). Belgium                   d). Spain

14. The first European settlement in Mississippi was established in…

a). Ocean Springs         b). Hattiesburg              c). Jackson                   d). Oxford

15.  The Mississippi territory was split into two states

a). Mississippi and Alabama                              c). Mississippi and Arkansas

b). Mississippi and Texas                                  d). Mississippi and Tennessee

16. What crop made Mississippi one of the richest states in the first part of the 19th century?

a). Cotton                     b). Tobacco                             c). Wheat                     d). Corn

17. During the American Civil War Mississippi was

a). fought for the North                         c).  fought for the South

b).  remained neutral                             d). was not recognized as a state

18. What is the opposite of segregation laws?

a). Integration laws                   b). Integral laws            c). Relativism                d). Jim Crow

19. When was the first black student enrolled at the University of Mississippi?

a). late 1950s                           b). early 1960s             c). late 1960s               d). early 1970s

20. In the Delta region the unemployment rate among the farm workers is

a). rising                       b). static                       c). falling                       d). non-existent